
For all general enquiries you can contact me at or

Please put the following in the Subject line of the email to get past my spam filter "FAO Jon"

If you would like me to review, preview or write about your TV Series, then please get in contact and present your offer.

All paid articles will also include official key art, trailers and any links to purchase on Digital/Home Entertainment ir available, or links to where to watch.

You can also commission an article at
This is the easiest and quickest way.

All reviews I publish are fair and honest, I judge a show using multiple parametres, including budget and star power. For example I will not directly compare a £200m blockbuster hollywood series, with a low budget straight to digital release. I will give all shows, regardless of their budget a fair shot.

After publishing any review or preview, if you wish to quote me, or use my rating in any press materials, you are welcome, but all I ask is to Credit "" after the quote. 

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